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![]() Fourth Short Mother Mary's RosaryI invoke your consciousness heavenward[1]
In the name of I AM THAT I AM Words fail me to express the depth of Love in my heart that I feel toward you. Please accept my Love and gratitude. You know what is most important for the growth of my soul at present. I ask you to help me not to forget in the midst of the hustle of the day May my unbreakable bond with you support me in my life and help me In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 1. I am as close to the earthly plane as it is possible to be. And every day I listen to all your requests and even reproaches which you send to me.I am ready to hear from you even some not very pleasant things that you sometimes tell me. At times in order for you to realise something you must hear it yourselves. And when you are saying it to me, you hear it yourselves. The problems of many of your embodiments have stuck deep inside you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. You come up to my image and start your inner monologue. It never occurs to you that I hear every single word you are saying. And when the Divine opportunity permits I immediately send angels to help you. The help comes immediately in the higher plane. And a certain time is necessary for this help to be materialised in your physical plane. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. But sometimes you do not wait long enough for this help to come and send me your reproaches and express your dissatisfaction. And immediately the flow of the Divine opportunity stops. And next time when you come up to my image repenting and weeping, I render my help to you again. But then everything recurs. And when you ask about one and the same thing for the fifth or seventh time, then I do not hurry to help you, because you have not realised the whole responsibility with which you burden the angelic hosts by each of your requests.Be consistent in your requests and actions. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. Sometimes your karma does not let me intervene into your destiny, but you ask me for help every day, many times a day, for a year or even longer. And then your effort and aspiration break the invisible barrier and help flows into your being and into your life as an extensive stream. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. The Divine mercy does not know limits. And the help will come from the higher plane. Learn to use this help. Don’t cut the Divine opportunity with your negative rushes. If you could keep attunement with the Divine world most of the time, how much easier it would be for us to render help to you and how much more successfully we could progress in the transformation of the physical plane of planet Earth. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. Every time you lose equilibrium you are like a small volcano. And everything thrills around you, and the elemental life longs to go away from you because your vibrations do not let elemental beings come near you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. And when you turn on loud music with broken rhythms, elementals and angelic beings flee headlong from the zone where this terrible music can be heard. The equilibrium is shattered to such an extent that during several days after such music sounded in some zone none of the beings whose responsibility is to put things right in the higher plane can enter that zone. And since you turn on music every day, your towns and settlements are like deserts now: all the inhabitants of the higher plane have left these deserts and cannot help you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. We help you mostly through the elemental kingdom, through the elements of air, fire, water and earth. With your behaviour you deprive us of an opportunity to give you a helping hand.We need to have a harmonious atmosphere in the physical plane. And in those places on earth where an atmosphere of peace and balance still reigns you are healed even when you simply get into such places. Thousands of beings of elemental life are ready to render healing and help to you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. So think – hasn’t the time come already to return to the harmony between all the kingdoms of nature that reigned in days gone by when people were happy and felt the joy simply of being? At that time they saw elemental life, saw angels, and this was as natural as it is now for you to see dogs, cats and birds. I invoke your consciousness heavenward. I am trying to bring home to you the fact that you live in a cage and that you have encaged yourselves with your own hands and have put this cage in the desert of your cities. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. The time is ripe to reconsider the whole system of values and all the relationships in all the spheres of life. How is it possible to bring home to you that you live in inhuman conditions? Be brave to give up your affection to the “blessings” of your civilisation, and you will gain genuine blessings and lasting values.Nature abhors a vacuum, and each of your negative qualities will be replaced by a Divine one and your human affections will be replaced by a state of Divine peace, harmony, tranquillity, happiness and joy. And this is exactly what you lack in your lives. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. [1] The Rosary is based on the dictations of Mather Mary 9th July 2009. [2] The text of the prayer to Mother Mary is translated in accordance with the prayer given by Mother Mary in Her dictation of January 4, 2009. |
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